
Spending time with God in prayer is one of the most exciting privileges we have as believers. Yet  many people are still confused about what prayer is, and wonder why they should do it.

So, what is prayer?
Prayer is a means of communication with God.
We do this by praising Him, confessing our sin before Him, thanking Him and asking Him for our needs and desires.

Prayer is communion with our Creator. When we pray, we engage in loving fellowship with the Maker of heaven and earth. He has graciously invited us into a close covenant relationship with Him through the person and work of Christ.

Prayer is central to the Christian life. Christians are commanded to pray “continually” (1 Thess 5:17) as we seek God and grow in intimacy with Him.

Why should we pray?

God calls us to pray

...‘in every situation’ (Phil 4:6), ‘without ceasing’ (1 Thess 5:17) and without giving up (Luke 18:1). Your heavenly Father wants you to talk to Him - regularly, continually and persistently.

Pray is not only for your sorrows, or to ask for forgiveness, or to seek guidance.  Yes, those are all good reasons to pray, but there is more!

We should pray in celebration of God's gifts and blessings he has sent you.  You may hear someone say under their breath when they hear good news, "Thank God!".
That's right you should thank God. Stop, if only for a moment, acknowledge God and thank him.  

God in heaven, thank you for ...

Invite those around you to join, it's only a few seconds.  It not so much what you say, it is what you think and feel.  As you make these pauses and think about God, His mercy, His grace, His love, you begin to realize, this is not your world. It is His, and He provides it to all.  We have free will to acknowledge Him, and be one with Him.  To understand and accept that Jesus came and became the only sinless man.  He was persecuted, and died as payment for all of the sins of all of mankind. The good news is that was not the end, he arose from the dead and is in heaven today. This paves the path for us all, we just have to believe.

Brief little prayers will lead you  to something bigger and better, try it! 

God in heaven, please grant me ... [patience, solitude, peace, insight, ...]
God, you are mercy and grace, I give thanks for your love.
God our Father, I am yours.
Lord, I am sorry, please forgive me. 

Send an email if you would like someone to pray with and for you.